Monday, July 16, 2012

F is for (F)ASHION

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/ˈfaSHən/ [fash-ion] (noun) : YOUR OWN person style or trend

These days, everyone is daring to be different, but when did different become "the same." It seems like the streets are all fashion runways, which is absolutely fine, although I'm confused as to whether people are competing against their own personal style or against who followed and executed a popular trend the best. Either way, fashion is fashion. The most upsetting part about fashion is that EVERYONE rushes to get the latest knick-knacks, resulting in a trend lasting about a week or two not even giving it time to settle. Is this a problem? ABSOLUTELY! Daring to be different doesn't mean opening up a magazine when you should truly be opening up your closet. Revamping and recycling what you already have is how you make YOUR personal style, YOURS! I would be lying if I said I never followed a trend, but my initial thoughts are always ... how can I take this trend and make it my own? what can I do different? It's not that I'm TRYING to look different, I just rather not look the same. Following a trend to the T is limiting yourself to so many possibilities you have stored up in that big head of yours. That's why, the goal of AUF is to school you fashionistas so you can make the best fashion decisions depending on your own personal preference. It's obvious why F is for Fashion, isn't it? Because we all live, breathe, eat and drink fashion.  Believe it or not, our appearance is what defines us all... so make the most of it.


ms.fashionably late

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